memory gives direction to the time.
Monday, May 24, 2004
Saturday, May 22, 2004
our limitation??... language. many clouds.. a lot of possibilities...many killed. who did this?? ...need for communication... with the persons who are my own creation..with the knowledge borrowed from society. if we all are just thoughts only. Then whats there which makes me different from you. whats there which says this is me and this is you. lost somewhere... impossible clarity...lot of lives.......impossible communication....
Posted by
2:07 AM
we increase our expectations and then fullfill them. what matters is the difference between these two...expectation and fullfilment. and this is indepedent of the its location in our time axis. few days back i was discussing with one of my friend about progress. do we really progress?? is the progress not the cocept which is tied with the society only. has progress anything to do with indivisual?? we are not governed by what we are. the direction is already chosen. no option ??.... no resentment!!!! when i see you and when i see a stone. what i use to differentiate between you and the stone is my knowledge (or being bias toward one) which i have borrowed from society (we can't scape from this.. do we? we are hardwired.... )!!!! so what you are ?? a bunch of thoughts which i have reserved for you... bunch of thoughts which come in my mind when i see you. nothing more than that. thoughts and progress??? rediculous...
Posted by
1:11 AM
Saturday, May 08, 2004
i was on the terrace of my hostel, a silver colored cloud was chaging a black cloud. And one cloud was struggling to get color. cloud trying to get color?? big joke? but we are not expected to laugh....clouds will laugh.
Posted by
9:42 AM
Thursday, May 06, 2004
absurdity? our mean of survival. we love our absurdity. we can't escape out. we need at least one extra dimension.
Posted by
11:34 AM
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
today i had a strange feeling of living in shining light. clouds about clouds. lake is shining with the lights from the buildings on the other side of road. lake water is dancing but where are clouds? the i am wraped in light and clouds are hiding behind the darkness. these are the moments when i feel unconfortable with light. i want to live with my clouds in darkness...........
Posted by
11:36 AM
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
today sweet wind is strolling in my campus. clouds are being pushed by the wind. i was on my way to library; books have never been of that much interest to me as the thing which i ususally meet in the way to library; today it was wind. i tried to touch the wind. my thoughts were taking a ride on wind; i was feeling touch of thoughts, of mine or somebody else. Can we separate wind and thoughts?? my thoughts were dancing with wind on the surface of water of powai lake. ya lake was also dancing with thoughts and wind....
Posted by
12:14 PM
while walking by long but beautiful lines of clouds, i noticed clouds were speaking to me something. i went more closer. clouds dissapeared. some boys were coming on the road. now there were no clouds. clouds channged into boys? i tried to talk to clouds. i was very suspisous still i approached them. they were talking something strange. i was thinking about the moment when i was not closer to clouds and long lines of clouds were looking beautiful. beautiful?? clouds do have beauty. but i never heared what the clods in long beautiful lines were talking. still i felt that was the one of most beautiful experience to me. ya clouds don't need words; beauty don't need form.
Posted by
9:09 AM
Sunday, May 02, 2004
clouds...a number of big patches, sometimes grey sometimes white sometime black, and red and yellow. they have colors?? no they borrow it from someone else or they give it someone else. clouds don't beleive in being constant neither do they beleive in being changing ...aha... they don't have memory. So its same for them but this does not mean they are they are constant. but this also does not mean theyare changing then?? is there anything third possibility..why not fourth and fifth and so on.. clouds are thoughts . just like i am a thought and you also.
Posted by
11:39 AM