Sunday, September 03, 2017

आसमान में तारे बिखरा कर
ख़ालीपन भरने की कोशिश, 
ख़याल अच्छा था, लेकिन
उसने तो आँखे बंद कर लीं थीं। 

Sunday, August 21, 2016


हवा मे वो ख़ुशबू ही नहीं, जिसकी मुझे तलाश थी। 
फूल तो कुछ पहचाने से लगे, 
लेकिन रंगो में वो बात कहाँ , जो पहले बात थी।


हवा मे वो ख़ुशबू ही नहीं, जिसकी मुझे तलाश थी। 

Sunday, June 05, 2016

Silence wins....
Silence kills....
Dead.... or alive...
who cares...
Don't expect...
They are here just to be here....

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Why do people have role models? it kills diversity. It systematically propogates silent genocide.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Warmness on the sofa has yet not faded..........lady in the picture
frame was smiling.......

The glasses which just few mintues back were embracing warm lips were
starring at each other in silence...

A hand was searching for lighter.......

She was tired and new to the city, to the darkness.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

....its entwined and words dont deal with that..precondition for thoughts

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Looking back on the canvass of thought and so called memory, some in still not dried colors...trying to transgress the boundry forced uponthem to give meaningless meanings. i tried to touch them and returned with impression on my boundry.......i was colored with ..........